
Access languages
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Access to languages

    Data on individual languages can be accessed in several ways

    • by classification opens a table of language families and their major subgroups. Click on a language’s code to access data on that language.
    • by ISO 639-3 brings up a list of languages alphabetized by their ISO codes. Click on a language’s code to access data on that language.
    • Text search allows search for language names as well as other content.
    • The Summary menu provides access to maps of languages by tone, stress, syllable structure and areal grouping. Click on the dot for a language to access data on that language.
Note that the language classification used in LAPSyD is only intended to help identify broad affinities. ‘Papuan’ and ‘Khoisan’ language groupings are used as these are familiar terms. Languages considered Isolates or Unclassified are grouped at the bottom of the table. More information can be found under LAPSyD in detail.

Layers of data

Language data in LAPSyD is structured into three color-coded layers, Publicpublic, Privateprivateand Hiddenhidden. Data in the Public layer has been updated and validated by the database compiler (Ian Maddieson). It is open to access without registration. Data in the Private layer is accessible to all registered users of the site. This data is usually ‘inherited’ from UPSID and may be incomplete or out-of-date. The Hidden layer contains data on languages in process of being added to the database and is invisible to all apart from the management team.

The same layered structure applies to output saved after searches. All items in the saved Sets, saved samples and saved queries lists have an assigned access level, and consequently will be visible or not to different levels of users.

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